Progress Update # 4 for v0.06

Hey y'all! Happy Friday!

A bit of a lighter update today, as the progress this week was a lot more straightforward. So without further ado, here is what I got done:

  • Lois sexting scenes - Complete
    • These have four separate variation, which I'll post in the discord shortly after this post
  • Lois Second scene - In progress
    • While I was brainstorming, I decided to get sketching on these scenes, and I think I have a good path forward for the sex scene, which I can hopefully get done by next week.
    • This does include two other posing scenes even before the sex scene, so a ton of art coming out for this one haha!
  • Voice acting - In progress
    • I was finally able to finish the script, and I have sent it to the Voice Actress for Lois. So the voice acting has gotten started and is well under way!

We are still on schedule for the release happening within 4-5 weeks, with it becoming more concrete over time. The last sex scene for Lois will be the end of the main artwork, and I'll be making a switch to ad-hoc scenes and character models immediately after. I also have a plan for a completely new base Lois model since I want to reflect the change in the relationship with the player character, but more on that when I get to it.

That's about it from my end for this week as I keep chugging along on the art work. As always, thank you all for the continued support, and I hope you all have a great weekend ahead of you!

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"I also have a plan for a completely new base Lois model since I want to reflect the change in the relationship with the player"

I love this idea. Great way to show relationship development and honestly I'm always down to see another side of Lois.